Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Had a fantastic Chinese takeaway the other night, from the shop at the end of the street. Crispy aromatic duck among many other things. We haven't done anything else very major, but it's really nice just relaxing. We've had some nice walks in the green countryside, and now it's New Year's Eve - well actually it's over now, and now it's 2004!! we made a korma tonight, got some drinks in etc. The pubs aren't much use around here tonight, all with themed parties or else regulars only by the looks of it.

So, to everyone out there, Happy New Year!!! To everyone in Japan, I hope you enjoyed the song contest! see you later.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Peterborough cathedral is open every day...except Boxing Day! So that was a bit of an abortive attempt. We went again on Saturday though, and were suitably impressed. Yesterday, we spent a very relaxing typical Sunday - church in the morning, followed by a great lunch of roast pork, roast potatoes, gravy etc., then a couple of pints of Black Sheep in the afternoon, some tea and scones, church again, and then supper of beans on toast! Very English eh, almost too much.

The weather is chilly and breezy, but not below freezing. A different kind of (damp) cold here though.

We'll be having brunch soon, then going for a drive across the fens to some villages, churches etc.

Friday, December 26, 2003

and now Happy Boxing Day! Had a great day yesterday, a very British Christmas after several away from the home country - all the trimmings, Christmas pudding, Queen's speech etc...and now it's a grey, rainy Boxing Day - what more could I want?! I think we're having a pretty quiet one today, just a trip to see Peterborough Cathedral later is all.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a really good Christmas, wherever you were and what ever you did.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Happy Christmas Eve Day!

Well again my blogging is very fitful...oh well. Since we arrived we've done quite a bit. I think we're over the initial jetlag and reverse culture shock - we felt quite scared of almost everyone we saw as people's looks and actions seemed hostile to us - just the different body language etc. from Japan! But a few trips to the pub cured us of that.

I went up to Nottingham for the day on Saturday, the train actually wasn't as bad as I thought, on time and not too expensive. But filthy.

Yesterday we went to London for a day trip, mainly do finish our shopping, almost entirely in Selfridges. Also visited three of my old favourite pubs - the Rugby Tavern and the Lamb in Holborn, and the Nell Gwynn, somewhere near Strand - I'm not telling you exactly where!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

well hello. We've been in England for a couple of days now...sorry I didn't blog sooner, some technical problems. this is just a post to let everyone know we're OK, I'll write more this afternoon once we've sorted ourselves out! Bye for now.

Monday, December 15, 2003

and I'll try to make the blog content more than just weather reports, as it seems to have become recently!

It's snowing again this morning, after a fine sunny week. It never really got warm enough to thaw though, so there's still plenty of snow on the ground and plenty of icicles on the eaves. It's here for good now, until next March...

So anyway, just to remind you that we'll be in England soon...leaving here Wednesday at midnight, and in England by around 6pm local time on Thursday. Blogs will continue from there of course, but I don't know how regularly!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Yes, very very sunny today and a little thaw is setting in at last. Above zero for the first time in a long time.

It was clear all day in Kitami, but several inches of snow fell in Abashiri while we were there. Thermometer on our balcony reads -12 right looks like it will start to warm up to zero or above from tomorrow though.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I went to Abashiri today - the road between here and there was pretty good, clear of snow, just a few little ice patches. But the roads in Abashiri itself...crazy. Like an icerink to use an old cliche. But it's true. It was a balmy -5.3C when I finally got there after an hour and 20 minutes (usually 50 minutes)

Monday, December 08, 2003

Well we survived driving on what is basically sheet ice yesterday, and the temperature hasn't gone above freezing yet so more of the same today...We had another inch or so of fresh snow oevernight is interesting at least!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

There's a picture I just took from our bedroom window in the Hokkaido section of the Pics site - snow! About 6-8 inches so far. It's been snowing steadily since that last post, it's heavier now though. Everything looks beautiful, even the most ugly examples of Japanese architecture! The thing I can't believe is that people are driving on it without any real problems - these winter tyres must be pretty good.

Hard week, no time for posts! But it's Saturday now. Christine had her hair cut and coloured this morning then we went to Uniqlo - finally opened in Kitami, and one of our favourite restaurants up on the hillside overlooking the city.

It's just started snowing here as predicted, covering quickly. We should get quite a bit over the weekend. It's so dry and powdery, like salt almost, not like the (rare) English stuff. Hopefully there'll be some good photo opportunities tomorrow morning, so keep checking back...

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