Friday, August 13, 2004

bureaucracy! I spent most of my afternoon driving all over Sapporo (NB - the north and south outskirts are both quite bleak). I need to re-register my car here, get a new license plate and register my parking space. You know. So I go to the office for it, get told I first need to get a certificate from the main ward police station (deja vu, I should have known from last time I did this about a year ago...) - which is apparently in north 11, but I can't find one on the map. So I phone the helpful info line and they say it's in north I hightail off there, park round the corner on a meter (cos I can't easily get to the police station due to a one-way system which I don't feel like using after driving around other ones for half an hour up to this point), go in to the station and get redirected to another building two blocks this one they tell me I have to go to a sub-police station because of where I live (although the main one is a lot nearer to our place, but nevermind). At least I got my driving license address changed here though - although I had to get a new picture taken for their records as it seems the two halves of Hokkaido's police force don't have a connecting computer system - same prefecture, but again, nevermind......
anyway, I head for the south police station (via home for lunch - this is how long it's all taking!) and make the great achievement of getting some paperwork to go away with, fill in and return later anyway because I need a stamp from my apartment owner on it!! Flipping heck.
And you know I'm annoyed cos I never resort to such strong language usually.
OK, we're out to try and buy some stuff to bake as it seems to be a good day for it.

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