Sunday, December 05, 2004

Well, I woke up to snow pouring down like rain and already lying a few inches deep, sticking to trees, wires, sides of buildings. In other words heavier, wetter snow than normal.

I left at 8:45am and got to Hokkaido University with no problems. The test was hosted at the Faculty of Engineering, which reminded me a bit too much of my old Nottingham department building back in 1996 - dark corridors and dusty doors marked with signs which look like they were intended to be temporary when they were put up in the 60s. Time went quicker than I expected, and I suppose the breaks were welcome, although still a little on the long side. I sat and had lunch on some sofas in a partically screened off corner near a stairway, which had an old looking pendulum clock on the wall, permanently stopped at about twenty past 8. Anyway, the main purpose of this expedition, the test, went well enough I think. I just have to wait until February now!

Afterwards, the snow having continued to pour down unabated, the city was a mess! It's even worse now though. There must have been over a foot of damp snow so far today judging by the parts of the park where it hasn't been cleared. In the city centre, life appaears to go on pretty much as normal with people continuing to drive maniacally fast and girls continuing to stride on in high heeled boots. But although the pavements are not bad, the sides of the roads are lined with deep slush and icey water. Every time you need to cross the road, which is quite often in a city with a grid system, this stuff tends to fill and soak one's shoes in an instant.

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