Sunday, March 06, 2005

Well, the first main shock was that I walked out of the building and actually felt warmth for the first time in a l o n g while. 8 degrees C here, that's Plus you know. And that's almost Hot you know.

It took me longer to get to the tax office than to actually do the tax - just waited a couple of minutes, handed the paperwork over at a table, waited for it to be checked and stamped and that was it. Well, I have to physically pay the tax now of course, but the worst is over. You might think it's not worth doing all this, but Caesar is Japanese in this case, and so "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's".

Yes...agreed! Also, mind-challenging to figure out what is "God's". What do you think, Phil?
And please, another question: may you explain little more of hip-hop style of music.
Thank you.
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