Monday, June 06, 2005

A lot of people have used the following sentence in their blogs and on their sites recently, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and do so too: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

There, that's it, said it! I haven't seen it and probably won't though. So I don't know what a sith is but it sounds silly anyway.

By the way, I've been wondering recently why recorded announcements in Japan are always on such heavy rotation? It gets to people too - we've seen a quite a few who walk around reciting the subway or station announcements out loud. It's just not right.

In the Star Wars universe, a Sith is the opposite end of the spectrum to a Jedi - Jedi = good and Sith = evil.

Not to be confused with 'Cif' a popular brand of oven cleaner. Not evil, but a bit nasty if you get it in your eye...
Cheers for the explanation!
I don't know about you, but although it's been a while I'm still reeling from the shock of the name change from Jif...
yeah if you're not into Star Wars, probably not a good idea to go see the movie... it's not a "stand-alone" kind of movie.

The change of name was probably needed so as not to get it confused with Jif Lemon ( in the plastic lemon shaped thingy )

Squirting oven cleaner on pancakes = not really a good idea at all...
Ha ha. Good stuff. I'm right there with ya on the Star Wars stuff.

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for commenting on my blog. My favorite pool player is originally from England. Allison Fisher.
That's strange, because my favourite fisher is originally from Poole - Reginald Blenkinsop!

Seriously, I appreciate the comment Bone, cheers!
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